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Writer's pictureAlexandra Ciobotaru

Empowering Future Climate Leaders: A Day with British Ambassador Emma Kate Hopkins

At the invitation of The British Embassy and The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, I joined the Ambassador for a Day event discussing the role of female leadership in combating the climate crisis. 🌎

Big thanks to Her Excellency, Ambassador Emma Kate Hopkins for the kind welcome and to the rest of the diplomats and role models for a great day!

Huge congratulations to the Ambassador for a Day program winners, young women between the ages of 14-17 who wrote an essay on the climate crisis and potential solutions for a better tomorrow. 🤝

During the event, we listened to a panel of experts on organization, government, and NGO’s potential to support climate change initiatives and we read some of the highlights from the young participant’s essays that underline the need for action.

After the panel, we had a speed networking session where the young winners interacted with the guests, asked questions, and hopefully got some useful life advice. I underlined the importance of self-confidence and how trial and error can help one gain experience and know themselves best.

I am thrilled to be part of this discussion and even more grateful to be seen as a role model for young generations of leaders. Thank you! 🏄‍♀️

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