'100 young, forward-thinking, and talented people have again this year found their way to the columns, when Berlingske pays tribute to talent from all corners of the Danish business community and the public sector.
Media Coverage

Women, Know Your IT Potential
Article shared on the online publication 'Finans' in Danish.
The piece explores the state of the IT industry in Denmark and the need for more women to join the industry.
I discuss the opportunities to inspire them by sharing stories about role models and career advice.
How to structure remote work in a start-up
'There are many great tools for collaborating with colleagues online. Use them! It makes sense to expand its repertoire and think about which media work best for the types of tasks and exchanges you need. It's faster to ask an important clarifying question on the chat in Slack than it is to send an email about it.'

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013 EQUAL INSPIRED | Alexandra Ciobotaru - Founder (Femme Lead) & Program Lead

Scaling Remote Teams: An executive perspective I TechBBQ 2021

The Era of Marketing Disruption - TechBBQ Digital 2020