In May 2020, with the pandemic in full blossom and suddenly working from home, I realized how busy I used to be.
Seems funny, we are all busy, obviously, and we all had gone through similar experiences while at home, maybe some more than others. I realized that I wanted to continue working all the time so that I wouldn't feel that I am wasting time.
Yes, FOMO or fear of missing out is a buzzword, but so is an over-achiever, ninja warrior professional, and such self-given titles. I hope more of us realized the crucial impact of mental well-being and the results of not taking time off, in these last months. We need to let the information settle, we need to rest our eyes outside of the screen, and we need to reconnect with nature because that is the natural way of the world.
To follow this narrative, I took some time to listen and consider what makes me happy. I have been trying for a while to verbalize the idea of creating a project that will impact women and inspire them to take charge of their path, especially professionally.
As an ambitious professional, I found myself confused with the scope of my career and the possibilities for development.
One evening, I listened to a podcast with Alicia Keys as a guest titled "Permission To Be More Yourself & The Gift Of Saying No." It stayed with me for a while. Alicia Keys said in that interview that she felt for a long time that she needed to please, develop within the boundaries set by others, and follow a path given by others, with little help to create her legacy the way she wanted.
And that made me think: What do I enjoy the most?
The activities I genuinely enjoy are social and involve the exchange of ideas and impressions. I love to interact with inspiring individuals and get lost in conversations about life, career, and learnings that can help me grow and help my community prosper.
Like that, while sitting on a bench on the lakeside in Copenhagen, I decided to start a podcast. The format seemed perfect: audio and video recording, interview technique, and the possibility to connect with different personalities while discussing topics that I deeply care about.
"Femme Lead" - The podcast on female leadership and role models.
Femme from "Female" and a subtle styling to the full name and "Lead" from leadership, leaders, and people who can lead. At the end of June, I had already recorded two interviews and created the outline for more episodes.
The podcast focuses on showcasing female role models from communities around the world. I aim to share with all of you that there are incredible women around us who deserve to be heard and have a lot of wisdom to share. By doing this, I hope that I will inspire especially young women, to see themselves as leaders, scientists, engineers, vice-presidents, and presidents of the professional world.
The podcast will focus on three chapters: Firstly, we will discuss upbringing and education. Secondly, we will immerse ourselves into career paths and how guests decided to tackle some of the challenges they encountered in their professional journey. Lastly, my favorite, the advice section, dabbles into authentic pieces of advice that guests wish they knew or have learned throughout the years.

Femme Lead is now available on all major platforms.
Follow the podcast on social media platforms, rate it, and share your thoughts.
I genuinely believe that when you help one person, you help everyone they touch, so I hope that you will be inspired to take charge of your next career move after listening to this podcast.
I want to thank my family and friends for encouraging me to work on what speaks to me. Thank you to all the guests who graciously share their time and their learning with me, thank you to all of those who help me set up the podcast and the supporters of the idea, who help me build an audience for the podcast.
I am finding my voice, and for this, I will forever be grateful.
Sending you good vibes,